Tuesday, July 1, 2014

BlueHawk 1540 Pictures secures starring actress and finalizes shooting schedule

 BlueHawk 1540 pictures, an Atlanta script production and film scoring company has hired Shiah Luna with the starring role in the upcoming short film Blood Crushed Altar that began production earlier this month.

The character for Luna will be the role of Zion and the production schedule includes 10 different locations in the USA, as well as scenes in Tel Aviv Jerusalem, Israel.

In addition to the six actors currently cast for the film, including Shiah Luna, four more actors will be added to the film role production lineup and the film includes a wide range of settings in the storyline.

Film shooting is scheduled in Atlanta, Georgia,  Los Angeles, California, Washington D.C., Miami, Florida, Chicago, Illinois, Detroit, Michigan, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a local church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, Israel and Death Valley, California.

Terric J. Blair, CEO of BlueHawk 1540 Pictures said:

“The scope of this project has grown from the original concept to being a short film.   We felt that the story was so intriguing that it needed to include more depth – and therefore time to tell this story like it needed to be told.   We are very excited to have started film production.”

The film will be in production through December 2014 with a planned release date of early 2015.

In addition to the short film BlueHawk 1540 Pictures is currently developing an additional highly interactive web site for their music division.  A social media marketing campaign for the film division and music division will begin after the film production is completed.

The website can be viewed at http://bluehawk1540pictures.com.